Work Product Manifest File This manifest file is an administrative metadata document produced by OASIS Staff as part of the approved Work Product publication process. It provides detailed information about the artifacts which constitute the Work Product in any published release, viz., for each specific level of approval (csd01, csd02, cs01, cos, etc). Users may find the manifest file useful in the following situations, or similar situations, to help answer basic questions: 1) "Can I examine the extent/content/structure of the published Work Product without having to download the distribution package from the OASIS Library and then UNzip the entire canonical release package from the ZIP format?" Yes: scan the manifest file published in any release directory (e.g. in /csd01/, /csprd02/) and inspect the section "ZIP archive contents" 2) "Someone sent me an XML schema file for the level CS01 instance of an OASIS specification: how can I determine whether this schema file is identical to the one published by OASIS?" Compute the MD5 or SHA-1 digest for the file you have, and compare it to the value(s) presented in the manifest file. =============================== Contents of this manifest file =============================== - Essential bibliographic information - ZIP archive listing for contents and storage hierarchy - Digest/hash values (MD5, SHA-1) for files in the release directory * Note that the digest/hash values are not intended to support security per se: they are provided simply for casual checking of a local file's hash value against the published file to detect disk corruption or other non-malicious alteration. * Note that the MD5/SHA-1 digest/hash values for primary ".html" format files in the OASIS Library release directory, as displayed below, are computed for OASIS server function, whereas the same ".html" files included in the ZIP package file, as prepared for local use, vary by a few bytes. The ZIP archive contents listing includes the digest/hash (CRC-32) and byte count for these ".html" files in the ZIP package. ====================================== Essential bibliographic information ====================================== OSLC Quality Management Version 2.1 Project Specification Draft 02 14 November 2019 Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2019. All Rights Reserved. Produced by: OASIS Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) OP Release URI: Manifest URI: =========================== ZIP archive contents =========================== Archive: Length Method Size Cmpr Date Time CRC-32 Name -------- ------ ------- ---- ---------- ----- -------- ---- 22727 Defl:N 20610 9% 11-14-2019 17:00 4f95caeb oslc_qm_resources.png 114636 Defl:N 21521 81% 11-14-2019 17:00 5bf13e8d quality-management-spec.html 234428 Defl:N 154413 34% 11-14-2019 17:00 4ea2033f quality-management-spec.pdf 76104 Defl:N 11965 84% 11-14-2019 17:00 ac28bee0 quality-management-vocab.html 204109 Defl:N 152374 25% 11-14-2019 17:00 a3046e9e quality-management-vocab.pdf 8289 Defl:N 1383 83% 11-14-2019 17:00 113087ae quality-management-vocab.ttl -------- ------- --- ------- 660293 362266 45% 6 files ======================================================================== MD5 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ======================================================================== a5c15538187608be27548dbd42d0bd0a oslc_qm_resources.png 0ca5373bddd12190679cc8a039e001f9 ebb2f803d111f181775eb68c662c5366 quality-management-spec.html 57b7b9dab5599bb7d4e47b95f55e7aab quality-management-spec.pdf 08625fc8d61039e394b20ad3f482b7e1 quality-management-vocab.html 909460e8c890ef9d1f71171911b73ef3 quality-management-vocab.pdf 8b484436318469f4df41907a6a0c72de quality-management-vocab.ttl ========================================================================== SHA-1 digest/hash values for files in the OASIS Library release directory ========================================================================== 2cc2471a5c5c9c5ef8f3b7d8807dec68a03967fb oslc_qm_resources.png 90459f3a59fe96c0c7114d08ce0296a731ddd288 a81a79efa5711f2804960a866b71c97ccb46efeb quality-management-spec.html 8cf9b221b9c23f534806d7c643058afa1ffe9788 quality-management-spec.pdf 1c52614244710524a4a034e75302ef33e397a0db quality-management-vocab.html 0872be00b2acd71876420335b734fe53bd1a52c6 quality-management-vocab.pdf 56b993a3deea28d9bddf29b6f12759ca4349d31f quality-management-vocab.ttl